July 14, 2010 - 16:02 AMT
Hovik Abrahamyan: Armenia expects impartial approaches to Karabakh problem

Peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem is vital, Armenian National Assembly Speaker said.

“Azerbaijani leadership continues the armament race, violating all CFE norms, and doesn’t stop threatening war. Unfortunately, such dangerous policy has not received any condemnation by international institutions,” Hovik Abrahamyan said addressing European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.

“Karabakh conflict is a delicate problem and Armenia expects impartial approaches to it. I have already sent a letter to the EP President for revision of the resolution on the South Caucasus, which contains a number of defective clauses,” he said.

Besides, Speaker Abrahamyan emphasized that the right of Karabakh people to self-determination cannot be opposed to Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, as NKR has never been a part of independent Azerbaijan.

“Moreover, in response to peaceful and legal process of self-determination, Azerbaijan unleashed a war, the consequences of which we are witnessing today,” he said, adding that Armenia, which represents NKR in talks, can never decide for it.