July 27, 2010 - 14:43 AMT
ArmRosgazprom tops list of 300 largest taxpayers of Armenia

According to data of the RA State Revenue Committee, ArmRosgazprom CJSC tops the list of 300 largest taxpayers of Armenia as of the end of first half of 2010. The company paid taxes in the total amount of AMD 10.038bln in January-June 2010, followed by Alex-Grig LLC - AMD 8.5bln, and ArmenTel CJSC (trademark Beeline) – AMD 7.2bln.

According to the Committee’ data, K-Telecom (trademark VivaCell-MTS, AMD 7.2bln), Flash (AMD 5.4bln), City Petrol Group (4.7bln), Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine (AMD 4.2bln), Electric Networks of Armenia (AMD 3.3bln), Vidis Distribution (3.1bln) and International Masis Tobacco (AMD 3.1bln) companies also entered the top ten of largest taxpayers.

As for payments for the compulsory social insurance, ArmRosgazprom compay (AMD 730mln) has yielded its positions to Electrical Networks of Armenia (AMD 1.08bln). Meanwhile, South Caucasus Railways CJSC is the third in this list with AMD 543mln.

Besides, the same three companies are leaders by the number of employees. Specifically, Electrical Networks of Armenia has 7617 employees, ArmRosgazprom – 6017, and South Caucasus Railways - 4411.