August 19, 2010 - 16:32 AMT
Multinational youth camp launched in Lusakert

Youth of national minority communities of Armenia together with their ethnic Armenian peers will learn more about tolerance and human rights at a five-day summer camp which was launched today in Lusakert by the UN DPI Yerevan Office and its partners.

The young representatives of national minorities will enjoy many interesting activities and inter-active trainings. They will learn more about the United Nations and Armenian UN Association, the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation - Armenia, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. In addition they will improve their knowledge on human rights, basics of leadership, cross-cultural communication and will meet new friends. The camp is devoted to the International Year of Youth with the theme “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”.

The UNDPI Yerevan Office supported the country's efforts aimed at strengthening tolerance and dialogue in Armenia among minorities and mainstream society, thus organizing a series of events, this summer camp being one of them. Under the slogan “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities for National Minorities in Armenia” the UNDPI Yerevan Office has focused on the empowerment of youth members of national minorities.

This camp was supported by the UN DPI Yerevan Office, Open Society Institute Armenia branch and the OSCE Office in Yerevan and was organized by the Armenian UN Association.

The Armenian offices of UN High Commissioner of Refugees, UN Population Fund and Food and Agriculture Organization, as well as the Helsinki Committee of Armenia contributed to this initiative with their participation and in-kind contribution. The Government Staff Department of National Minority and Religious Affairs as well as Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs also supported these activities, UN Department of Public Information in Yerevan reported to PanARMENIAN.Net.