August 24, 2010 - 15:34 AMT
Russia coming back to Caucasus

With signing the protocol on extension of its military base deployment terms in Armenia, Russia is signaling its return to the South Caucasus, according to Chairman of the Constitutional Right Union party Hayk Babukhanyan.

“The world is no longer unipolar. Now - with Barack Obama’s coming to power - we can speak about multipolarity,” Babukhanyan told a press conference in Yerevan.

“It is Russia on the one part, the US and Europe on the other, and China on the third part. Under the circumstances, the Collective Security Treaty Organization becomes an influential force. Actually, the matter concerns the border between NATO and CSTO but not the Armenian-Turkish border. A powerful macro-geopolitical block will possibly be formed, in which Armenia can have an important role,” said Babukhanyan.

As for the visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Armenia, the politician described it as ‘very important’. “This visit is a great achievement of the Armenian authorities,” he said.

Babukhanyan also believes that Russia’s policy is predictable. “10 years ago Russia was in a process of transformation. Now it is a stable and predictable state,” concluded Babukhanyan.