September 2, 2010 - 12:22 AMT
Armenia-U.S. relations have advanced

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said that Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s meeting with his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama and the visit of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Yerevan have brought the Armenian-American relations to a new level.

“As part of the July 4-5 visit of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a wide range of issues concerning development of the Armenian-American partnership as well as regional and international processes were discussed,” Nalbandian said during a meeting with students of Yerevan State University.

Referring to key issues, Nalbandian outlined the launch of negotiations on the association agreement with the EU. “The agreement will give start to Armenia’s renewed cooperation with the EU,” the Minister said, the RA MFA press office reported.