September 11, 2010 - 17:54 AMT
Armenian animators to be retrained in Gobelins school of image

International Relations Manager of Gobelins school of image (a leading French school of applied arts, print and digital media) Eric Riewer said that he participated in many international festivals.

“And I was interested in seeing the genesis of a new festival in the capital, which is not well-known in the world,” Eric Riewer told a press conference in Yerevan.

According to him, animation has considerably changed over 100 years of its existence.

Eric Riewer noted that there is a tough competition among students of Gobelins school, as 700-1000 entrants struggle for 25 seats of it. “However, I think we will be able to allocate at least one seat in our summer school for Armenia’s representatives annually,” said Eric Riewer.

Eric Riewer noted that he will provide a detailed information on Gobelins, its history and teaching methods during a lecture on September 12.