September 18, 2010 - 15:25 AMT
International community concerned over ineffectiveness of OSCE Minsk Group efforts

Expert of the Armenian Center for Political and International Researches Ruben Mehrabyan said that conversations around the necessity to appoint a UN special representative on the Karabakh conflict indicate that the international community is concerned over the ineffectiveness of the OSCE Minsk Group efforts.

Similar initiatives aimed at facilitation of the Karabakh conflict resolution can become a slap in the face of both mediators and parties to the conflict, Mehrabyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

“The mediators and parties to the conflict are told through these reports that it is enough to postpone the resolution. Thus, in my opinion, the pressure on the parties to the conflict will be intensified shortly, while the general political situation around the Karabakh conflict will become more active,” concluded Mehrabyan.

The idea to appoint a special representative for Nagorno Karabakh was suggested by Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Vice-president of the Reflection Group on the long-term future of theEuropean Union, and Anne-MarieLizin, President of theSenateofBelgium.