September 30, 2010 - 20:30 AMT
Avshar Wine Factory to purchase 2,500t of grape in 2010

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan visited Aragatsotn region in the middle of grape purchase there.

During the visit, the President familiarized himself with construction of a new plant for wine and brandy production of Golden Grape Armas LLC.

Besides, the Armenian President observed the process of grape purchase at Avshar Wine Factory CJSC in Ararat, a PanARMENIAN.Net correspondent reported.

Director of the factory Samvel Tadevosyan said that the company is going to purchase 2,500t of grape this year, out of which 1,800 tons have already been purchased.

He added that brandy export decreased by 50% this year. However, taking into consideration the socio-economic situation in the region, the factory will not cut the volume of purchases. Besides, Avshar Wine Factory has been purchasing apricot since 2009 to expand the range of goods produced by it.

The factory was founded in 1968. It started its activity as Avshar Wine Factory CJSC after privatization. Currently, it employs 210 people.