October 1, 2010 - 19:06 AMT
Weekly digest of foreign currency deals

USD 75,593,535 was bought at an average price of AMD 361.33 /USD 1 and USD 80,754,76 sold at an average price of AMD 362.52 /USD 1 at the Armenian foreign currency market on September 27-October 1.

Deals amounting to USD 23,320,000 at an average price of AMD 361.47/USD 1 were concluded at NASDAQ OMX Armenia during the reporting period.

Meanwhile, deals amounting to USD 1,200,000 at an average price of 362.58/USD 1 were made at the interbank market.

From September 20 to 26, AMD loans granted by banks totaled 12.7bln. USD loans amounted to 25.8mln, the press service of the Central Bank of Armenia reported.