October 20, 2010 - 10:47 AMT
ARF calls on all Armenians to take part in upcoming Thanksgiving Day Armenia Fund Telethon

The Bureau of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation issued a communiqué urging all Armenians to take part in the upcoming Thanksgiving Day Armenia Fund Telethon, the ARF press office reported.

The communiqué reads:

“The fundraising activities of the Hayastan All Armenia fund have already begun and will conclude with the annual Armenia Fund telethon, which will take place on November 25 in the United States.

The goal of the fundraising effort remains the same: to take part in the development and economic advancement of Artsakh, and more specifically, this time take part in the water distribution infrastructure of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

Artsakh was liberated through the brave freedom-seeking Armenians of Artsakh and the solidarity and support demonstrated by the entire Armenian nation to the liberation struggle. Today, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is a reality and it deserves to remain the focus and be cherished by the Armenian people.

We are ready to do the possible and the impossible for the people of Artsakh. We must build and defend the biggest victory of the last several centuries. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to stand by the people of Artsakh, especially now that the political resolution of the Artsakh issue is the subject of difficult negotiations.

Thus, any financial contribution to Artsakh has moral value in the political sense. It is the expression of the continued pan-national support for the liberation Artsakh.

Artsakh will become decisively free when it takes its rightful place in the international community as an independent state. In order to achieve this goal, it is important for the entire nation to proactively place all capabilities toward this effort.

It is for this very reason that aside from the collected funds during this effort, the number of participants is more important to demonstrate the collective will of the Armenian nation.

As such, we call on all to take part generously in this fundraising effort.”