October 22, 2010 - 20:45 AMT
Law Academy to be established in Armenia as part of cooperation with EU

On October 22, Secretary of the RA National Security Council (RA NSC) Arthur Baghdasaryan presided over a meeting of the interdepartmental commission coordinating the cooperation between the Armenian state bodies and European structures was held the meeting.

Mr. Baghdasaryan noted during the meeting that political cooperation between Armenia and the EU develops efficiently. “We can record a progress in the EU-Armenia relations,” he said.

Baghdasaryan also attached importance to boosting political cooperation with the EU, successful negotiations around the associative agreement and signing agreement on free trade, what will provide with the opportunity to develop more efficiently the economic cooperation between Armenia and the EU.

“We managed to open Diplomatic Academy in Armenia as part of cooperation with the EU, what is a serious achievement. Besides, Law Academy will be established here next year. It will allow solving problems with law-enforcers’ training and retraining,” noted Arthur Baghdasaryan.

Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Karine Kazinyan briefed on negotiations around the Associative Agreement between Armenia and the EU, the RA NSC press service reported.