November 9, 2010 - 19:17 AMT
Laureates of Chopin music contest to be announced November 9

On November 9, the concert hall of the National Gallery of Armenia will host the awarding ceremony of laureates of Chopin contest of young musicians.

Laureates of the contest will perform a concert.

The contest brought together 12 young pianists – students and graduates of Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory.

The contest of young musicians is dedicated to celebration of Chopin Year held under patronage of Armenia’s First Lady Rita Sargsyan.

The event is organized by the Polish Embassy in Armenia, Armenian Ministry of Culture and Yerevat Komitas State Conservatory.

Chopin Year will come to an end on November 11 – Poland’s Independence Day.

Aram Khachaturian concert hall will host a gala concert of famous Polish pianist Slawomir Wilk, who will take the stage with the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra.