November 16, 2010 - 13:34 AMT
Strong army is the real guarantor of peace

The idea to hold a festival of Azerbaijani films in Armenia was an absolute disaster, an Armenian blogger said.

“It’s merely a business and I don’t want anyone to make money on our feelings,” Tigran Kocharyan told a news conference on November 16.

“The idea is feigned. Azerbaijanis kill our compatriots while we speak of tolerance,” he said, adding that a strong army but not conduction of festivals is the real guarantor of peace.

Meanwhile, director of Yerevan State Pantomime Theater Zhirayr Dadasyan “sees nothing bad in holding the festival.”

“I would like to know to what extend cinematography is developed in Azerbaijan. We should not politicize this event. As a winner country we should take a proper position,” he said.