November 16, 2010 - 14:15 AMT
Open markets need to be established in Armenia for sale of agricultural products

PhD in Agricultural Sciences Garnik Petrosyan said that the prime cost of agricultural products grows in Armenia by 2-3 times as a result of lack of open markets, where villagers can sell their products.

Only one open market (the so-called Malatia) operates in Armenia, where the chain of sub-purchasers hampers villagers from selling their products at lower prices, Petrosyan said on November 16.

He added that a project on creation of an open market was initiated in Erebuni district.

“However, complaints were received that the market disturbs people’s rest. It is clear who was interested in frustrating the initiative,” noted Petrosyan.

The specialist added that similar markets can be established in suburbs of Yerevan for the welfare of both villagers and consumers.