November 22, 2010 - 16:53 AMT
Thanks to Armenia and Diaspora’s support, Artsakh grew as viable country inspiring pride in all Armenians

The world-spread Armenians have always had a great role in developing and strengthening the Motherland, President of the Artsakh Republic said.

“During the last 15 years different programs worth of dozen millions of dollars have been carried out in Artsakh through the channels of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. The people of Artsakh are grateful for such an attentive attitude. A year ago all the Armenians united their efforts around the idea of restoring and developing Shoushi - one of the ancient Armenian towns. Reconstruction activities there have already started and entered an active stage. We are confident that this town will undoubtedly become modern and prosperous,” Bako Sahakyan said when addressing Telethon 2010 Gala Dinner Party in Pasadena.

“The issue of drinking water is also among the most significant problems Artsakh has ever faced. It is of vital political and socioeconomic importance. Our people still meet great difficulties in satisfying their minimal needs in drinking water. Serious shortage of water is felt in capital Stepanakert, regional centers and the countryside. People are obliged to solve their daily vital problems with great difficulty. Only several districts in the capital and a number of settlements have twenty-four-hour water supply in our republic, which we managed to do only recently. Of course, the Artsakh authorities try to ease the problems of the population as far as possible. We have registered certain successes in this sphere. As I have already mentioned we managed to solve this urgent problem in some settlements. However, within the framework of the whole republic it requires consolidated approach of the world spread Armenians,” he said.

“Together we are able to solve this issue. The Artsakh Republic has enormous water resources. The Tartar, Arpa, Vorotan and other large rivers have their origin there. In Artsakh only surface water flow constitutes 19 thousand cubic meters per capita, with the waters of the Araks River this figure exceeds 65 thousand cubic meters. In this context, our republic belongs to the richest countries of the world in terms of water resources. What we need to do is just use this wealth properly and build modern water supply systems.”

“Speaking of the Motherland, we, the Armenians, often use the expression “Our Soil and Water”. It has a profound meaning. Water is among the most important factors that binds the man to soil. There is indeed no life without water. The water issue touches upon all the spheres of life. If we succeed in solving this issue we will create reliable basis for developing the whole socioeconomic system of Artsakh making its future prosperous and reliable. We very much anticipate your active participation in this undertaking. Today people who represent the Armenian Diaspora and have always made their personal contribution to the development and prosperity of the Motherland gathered in this hall. Due to the support of our brothers and sisters from the Diaspora and Mother Armenia Artsakh managed to recover from the wounds of the war and become viable country inspiring pride in all the Armenians in different quarters of the world. I am sure that with this spirit we shall continue strengthening the Armenian-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity and record new joint glorious victories,” Mr. Sahakyan said.