November 24, 2010 - 12:04 AMT
Armenia-Turkey rapprochement doesn’t question Yerevan’s intention to continue international process of Genocide recognition

Every country strives to live in a peaceful region. Based on this motive, Armenia expressed readiness to normalize ties with Turkey, Armenian parliament speaker Hovik Abrahamyan stated.

As he noted during his speech at Syrian parliament, Turkey put forward preconditions not only to Armenia, but also states present at Protocol signing ceremony in Zurich. “Under the circumstances, Armenian President’s resolution to suspend Protocols ratification in National Assembly was more than justified,” he said.

“To resume reconciliation process, Turkey must demonstrate political will, renounce preconditions and ratify Protocols in parliament,” Abrahamyan stated.

As he noted, neither the rapprochement, nor establishment of relations with Turkey mean Armenia is questioning the Genocide recognition issue.

“Moreover, Armenia will continue the process of international recognition of Genocide and restoration of historical justice,” the parliament speaker stressed.