November 25, 2010 - 11:42 AMT
RA NA Speaker attends Armenian goods exhibition in Aleppo

On November 24, Speaker of the Armenian parliament Hovik Abrahamyan left for Aleppo as a part of his three-day official visit to Syria, where he participated in opening of Armenian goods exhibition.

The Governor of Aleppo, Chairman of the Armenian-Syrian business council of, as well as representatives of the Armenian community participated in the event.

“I strongly believe that the exhibition and another sitting of the Armenian-Syrian business council will contribute to development of bilateral relations, specifically, to boosting trade and economic ties,” said Hovik Abrahamyan.

He noted that the Armenian-Syrian political relations are on a rather high level, in contrast to trade and economic ties.

The turnover between the two countries totals around $4mln.

On November 25, the Armenian delegation will leave for Der Zor and return to Yerevan later the same day, the RA NA press service reported.