November 25, 2010 - 16:22 AMT
RA authorities should seriously deal with pricing

Chairman of the Union of Local Producers Vazgen Safaryan said that the fact that 77 cheese producers have willfully increased prices for cheese over a night proves that Armenia still faces the problem of pricing.

The country’s authorities should seriously tackle the problem and create legislative basis defining price limits, as well as favorable conditions to prevent emigration from the country, Safaryan told a press conference on November 25.

“Our nation wants to live and work in Armenia, thus, all the adopted laws should be adjusted to the local reality,” he said.

As for the activity of the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC), Safaryan said that its actions are of local nature.

“The SCPEC should take action and conduct regular monitoring to prevent similar sharp increase in prices,” he concluded.