November 27, 2010 - 17:12 AMT
Armenia's Football Federation takes important step in clubs licensing

President of the Football Federation of Armenia (FFA) Ruben Hayrapetyan, who has been elected for the third term, said that FFA has taken an important step in clubs licensing.

"Armenia's football should pass this way to comply with the European football qualities," said Hayrapetyan.

In his report, Hayrapetyan noted that the department of licensing at the FFA submitted in October 2010 new regulations for Armenian clubs licensing, based on UEFA requirements for clubs licensing.

Besides, the FFA held 68 football and futsal tournaments over the past two years.

Referring to achievements over the past two years in football, Hayrapetyan said that, in his opinion, the past two championships differed from previous ones by performance quality and tactical decisions of coaches.

"However, our championship is far from high level and we should do our best in this direction. Junior and youth teams should train footballers for the national team. We already see the national team's stable, tactically competent and efficient performance," said Hayrapetyan.