December 18, 2010 - 15:19 AMT
Sergey Minasyan: Ankara could resort to political bluffing to prevent discussion of Armenian Genocide resolution

U.S. is a democratic country. Should the Chamber of Representatives resolve to initiate discussions on Armenian Genocide resolution, the Administration won’t be able to prevent discussions, unless the Administration tries to influence the decision, according to political expert Sergey Minasyan.

In a conversation with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the expert commented on recent media reports according to which U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promised to prevent voting for the resolution in a conversation with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

Minasyan did not preclude Ankara’s resorting to threats or political bluffing and using the whole of its political ammunition in order to prevent the discussion.

The Armenian expert also noted that discussion of Armenian Genocide resolution could be linked to the recent exacerbation of Turkey-Israel ties.

On December 17, spokesperson for the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Elizabeth S. Chouldjian said that H. Res. 252, the Armenian Genocide resolution, can be considered in the U.S. House of Representatives within the next 48 hours.

The ANCA urges American Armenians to call their congressmen and demand from them that they vote for H. Res. 252 adoption, Chouldjian told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

The ANCA, as well as famous representatives of show business of Armenian descent have initiated a campaign urging Speaker Nancy Pelosi to schedule a vote on H.Res. 252 before the House adjourns.