December 21, 2010 - 13:51 AMT
Aram Hamparian: Turkish lobby attacking H.Res.252 full force

Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Aram Hamparian addressed an open letter to American Armenians.

“The international media, including just today the Associated Press, is reporting that the U.S. House may vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.252, on December 21. The Turkish lobby is attacking this resolution full force, as is the Obama Administration, which said this past week that it is "strongly opposed" to the adoption of this human rights measure,” Hamparian said.

“With the truth on our side, we're fighting back. On Capitol Hill and across the country. District by district, we're working to get America on the right side of this issue.

One of our most powerful assets is the vast social network that individual Armenians have developed over the years - reaching tens of millions of Americans, through relatives, neighbors, classmates, work colleagues, business contacts, and friends.

These contacts can prove decisive in getting H.Res.252 adopted. But we need your help to get them engaged. Simply Cut & Paste this "Dear Friends" note (below) into email messages and Facebook, MySpace, and other social media posts to friends and family. Feel free to personalize with your own story.

Please make a special effort to reach people who live outside of areas like Boston, New York, or Los Angeles, with lots of Armenians. It's vital that legislators hear from citizens from across the United States. Don't be shy, ask everyone for help. This is a truly great and worthwhile cause, in the best of the American and Armenian traditions,” he said.