December 27, 2010 - 15:05 AMT
E-content Award contest results to be announced Dec. 30

A total of 319 applications were filed for participation in E-content Award, the 5th All-Armenian competition for electronic content.

As the director of E-Content Association Garegin Chukaszyan told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the contest results will be announced on December 30.

“Some progress has been observed, yet, as a whole, the level of Armenian websites’ e-content leaves much to be desired,” the expert said, explaining the fact by social and economic situation in Armenia over the last 2 years.

5th All-Armenian competition for electronic content was held in Yerevan November 25 through December 25, the event being dated to the 500th anniversary of book-printing in Armenia.

The competition was held in the following nominations: e-Learning & Education, e-Science & Technology, e-Culture & Heritage, e-Entertainment & Games, e-Business & Commerce, e-Government & Institutions, e-Health & Environment and e-Inclusion & Participation.

The Top 16 winners will get monetary awards while the winners within each nomination will be granted an opportunity to participate in the most prestigious multimedia world competition of World Summit Award.

The prize fund is equal to the AMD equivalent of USD 10 thousand. The Top 8 students will receive AMD 300 thousand each. The next 8 winners will receive AMD 150 thousand each.

The organizers of the competition are the Armenian Fund for Information Technologies and the Armenian Association of Electronic Content. The Government of Armenia, All Armenia Fund and Icon Communications are the sponsors of the event. VivaCell-MTS is the General sponsor of the event.