January 13, 2011 - 14:06 AMT
Rosgosstrakh Armenia registers 234 insured accidents over 11 days of 2011

Rosgosstrakh Armenia CJSC started effecting the first payments of insurance indemnity to citizens for the policies of vehicle mandatory insurance.

First of all, payments for agreed declarations – by the simplified scheme, under which provision of additional documents is not required – are made, the company’s press service reported.

The maximum amount paid by an agreed declaration makes AMD 200,000, while the minimum paid sum totals AMD 30,000.

234 insured accidents were recorded over the first 11 days of 2011.

The biggest number of claims was received on January (35 car accidents) and January 11 (49 car accidents).

It is noteworthy that no insured accidents were recorded by the company on the Christmas night.