January 14, 2011 - 15:24 AMT
Armenia’s and international community’s stances on Karabakh conflict settlement coincide

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said that a document is discussed during negotiations, which is based on three principles and includes six basic provisions.

“The principles have been approved by the Presidents of the OSCE Minsk Group’s Co-Chair countries. They include non-use of force, nation’s right to self-determination and territorial integrity of the states. Here, Armenia’s and international community’s stances coincide. The six provisions include a final referendum on independence, determination of Nagorno Karabakh’s interim status, regular land communication between Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia, return of refugees from the two parties, provision of the Karabakh population’s security with international guarantees through involvement of international peacekeepers and return of territories,” Nalbandian told a press conference on the results of 2010.

According to him, Azerbaijan accepts only the last provision, refraining from negotiating on the rest.

“Nevertheless, the Nagorno Karabakh population, which will decide its own destiny, has the final word,” concluded Nalbandian.