January 24, 2011 - 14:05 AMT
Dr. Jack Kevorkian shares his ideologies about death, dying and civil liberties at UCLA

Right-to-die activist Dr. Jack Kevorkian shared his ideologies about death, dying and civil liberties at UCLA’s Royce Hall, one of the country’s top academic and research institutions.

The sold out event which attracted almost 2000 attendees was hosted by the Armenian Students’ Association at UCLA in collaboration with the Armenian-American Medical Society of California.

In his key-note address, Dr. Kevorkian spoke about the rights of an individual to make end-of-life decisions, shedding light on the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution, which focuses on personal liberty and natural rights, Asbarez.com reported.

“Our organizations – the AAMSC and the ASA – are proud to have been a part of bringing Dr. Kevorkian to the campus,” said AAMSC Vice-President Dr. Serineh Voskanian Melidonian.

“He has inspired and provoked much thought amongst medical professionals and others alike and the evening was a huge success all around,” added Dr. Vicken Sepilian. “We look forward to future collaborations.”

Dr. Jack Kevorkian, born May 26, 1928, is an American pathologist, right-to-die activist, painter, composer, instrumentalist and author. He is best-known for publicly championing a terminal patient’s right to die via physician-assisted suicide; he claims to have assisted at least 130 patients to that end. He famously said that “dying is not a crime.”