January 31, 2011 - 15:05 AMT
RA NSC: improvement of frontier security among Armenia’s top priorities

After approval of the strategy for frontier security provision and complex management of the state border, an interdepartmental committee was established to follow the program implementation.

During the committee’s first meeting, Secretary of the RA National Security Council (NSC) Arthur Baghdasaryan noted that improvement of the frontier security, modernization of border infrastructures, as well as system management of the state border are among Armenia’s top priorities.

“Currently, we work in two directions: with Russia – on modernization of infrastructures and frontier outposts along Iran-Turkey state border; and with the EU – on complex management of the state borders in South Caucasus,” said Baghdasaryan.

According to him, a relevant protocol has already been signed with Russia, while implementation of plans for 2011-2015 will be launched soon.

Referring to cooperation with the EU, Baghdasaryan said that a long process is envisaged to be launched that is aimed at modernizing the three checkpoints of the Armenian-Georgian border – Bagratashed, Gogavan, Bavra - bringing them in compliance with international standards.

According to him, implementation of the program will reduce corruption, as well as contribute to implementation of significant reforms in the management field.

During the sitting it was decided to complete development of the required documents package early in May and to launch infrastructures modernization in June, the RA NSC press service reported.