January 31, 2011 - 17:37 AMT
Ruben Zargaryan: Sudan is more responsible than Azerbaijan

Advisor to the NKR Foreign Minister Ruben Zargaryan said that the situation in Azerbaijan and Sudan differs by the fact that the government of Sudan, in contrast to Baku’s administration, has conceived the fatality of its aggressive policy, displayed responsibility and has not hampered gaining of independence by South Sudan.

Zargaryan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter that Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir stated in 1998 that “the destiny of South Sudan will be decided during a referendum,” stressing that “the government will accept the referendum results even if they lead to South Sudan’s secession.”

On January 9, 2005, an agreement was signed between Sudan and South Sudan in Nairobi (Kenya), which envisaged holding a referendum on independence in South Sudan in 2011.

“In contrast to Sudan, the Azerbaijani government’s main wish is to conceal the truth about the genocide perpetrated against Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh and falsify history. However, the facts of systematic genocide are so evident that they would be enough even if there were no legal grounds for declaration of NKR’s independence. Propagandists of Baku say that South Sudan cannot serve as a precedent for NKR, since in contrast to Sudan, Baku’s administration has not given its consent for holding a referendum in NKR. It pretends to be unaware of the international law norms, which do not require such permission, but, to the contrary, imperatively demand recognition of the self-determining state – Nagorno Karabakh,” concluded Zargaryan.