February 1, 2011 - 17:07 AMT
2 companies win tender for production of biometric passports in Armenia

Public Relations Manager of the Agency for Government Purchases Vasak Tarposhyan said that Polish Security Printing Works company and French Oberthur organization won the tender for production of biometric passports in Armenia.

The companies were selected by two formats. The Polish company estimated the project at 4,300,000 euros, which should be paid as a lump sum. Oberthur estimated the project cost to make $22.5mln, which can be paid within five years.

Tarposhyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter that the Armenian government will adopt the final decision after consideration of the projects.

The tender for production of biometric passports was held from October 27 to December 10, 2010, with participation of eight foreign companies.

Armenian citizens can receive biometric passports and electronic ID cards from Sept. 2011. Biometric passports will contain the citizen’s name and last name, date and place of birth, photograph and two fingerprints (EU requirement). Electronic ID cards will contain the same data, but with an electronic signature instead of fingerprints.