February 3, 2011 - 13:33 AMT
Monument to Humanity sculptor intends to appeal demolition decision

The sculptor of Monument to Humanity in Kars is strongly opposed to the decision to demolish the statue.

Mehmet Aksoy said he would “stand in front of the statue against demolition workers” to protect the statue if necessary. He also said his lawyer, Turgut Kazan, will file a lawsuit against the Kars Municipality’s decision.

Aksoy said he obtained the required permission from the Supreme Council of Monuments to erect the statue.

“Most of what is being said about the statue is not correct. Did I come from space and erect the statue without showing it to anyone? They claim that I did not obtain the required permission for the statue. That’s not correct; I have all the required permission. They have decided to demolish the statue, but my lawyer will appeal the decision. That’s not a pile-up of stones. I do not know why all of this is happening. They will shatter the statue and Turkey will be disgraced before the entire world,” he stated, Today’s Zaman reported.