February 8, 2011 - 15:52 AMT
Red Books reports increase in endangered animal and plant species in Armenia

In December 2010, a Red Book, listing rare and endangered species, was republished for the first time in 20 years, the head of biodiversity policy department at Armenia’s Nature Protection Ministry stated.

As Tatiana Danielyan told a news conference in Yerevan, “153 vertebrates are listed in current publication against 99 species in the old one. The book contains descriptions of 155 invertebrates, 452 plant and 40 mushroom species.”

Among those listed 143 animal species are noted as endangered, whereas 249 species are on the brink of extinction. “Since proclamation of independence, 2 trout species out of 4 became extinct in Armenia,” she noted.

In 2007, Armenian government allocated AMD 31 million for review and republishing of new Red Book edition, with 500 copies released.