February 19, 2011 - 14:17 AMT
Copa Claro quarterfinals delayed because of rain

Rain forced the postponement of the quarterfinals at the Copa Claro in Buenos Aires on February 18.

The last-eight matches and the semi-finals will now both take place on Saturday, February 19, tournament organisers confirmed.

Only one quarter-final got under way, with fourth seed Albert Montanes and eighth seed Juan Ignacio Chela level at 3-3 in the third set when play was suspended. Chela took the first set 6-4 and Montanes the second 6-3.

The other three last-eight matches - top seed Nicolas Almagro against Jose Acasuso, third seed David Nalbandian versus sixth seed Tommy Robredo and fifth seed Juan Monaco against second seed Stanislas Wawrinka - will start on Saturday morning with the semi-finals scheduled for the evening, sportinglife.com reports.