February 28, 2011 - 18:44 AMT
Expert: there is no opportunity for rapid resolution of Karabakh conflict

Director of Caucasus Institute, political analyst Alexander Iskandaryan said that there is no opportunity for a rapid resolution of the Karabakh conflict.

The settlement process will be basically aimed at maintaining the status-quo in 2011, what is positive, Iskandaryan said during Yerevan-Moscow TV space bridge.

He added that no significant changes will be recorded in the situation on the contact line of the Azerbaijani and NKR armed forces.

“Despite the bellicose rhetoric, the parties will be have to state that they will continue the peace negotiations,” noted Iskandaryan.

Director of the Armenian branch of CIS Institute Alexander Margarov noted for his part that it will be difficult to speak about the final resolution of the conflict in the near future.

“The only thing, to which we can refer, is the continuation of negotiations within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group,” the Armenian expert noted.