March 2, 2011 - 12:51 AMT
Libyan opposition forces preparing to march on to Tripoli

Having withstood several attacks by government forces, Libyan opposition forces are now preparing to march on to Tripoli, foreign media is reporting.

According to, civilians in and around Benghazi, one of the first cities to fall out of government control, have been gathering for military training, learning to move in a battalion and to fire weapons, in preparation for the march.

A giant arsenal captured by opposition forces in Ajdabiya, to Benghazi’s south, is helping to supply these forces. This arsenal was targeted by Libyan jets, but despite its size, the jets missed their targets, leading opposition forces to believe that the pilots intentionally missed.

Meanwhile, forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi are focusing their efforts on retaking towns close to Tripoli to create a buffer zone, and have reportedly regained some territory.

At the same time, a series of large explosions has been reported in Tripoli, although their cause remains unclear.