March 2, 2011 - 15:32 AMT
Paris to host charity exhibit to assist hearing-damaged children

The Sound World Russian-Australian organization aims to cooperate with representatives of Armenian communities within the framework of the program envisaging free surgery for hearing-impaired children.

As the owner and CEO of Caro&Co and The Sound World, Rosa Alpert, stated at news conference in Yerevan, the company is cooperating with Armenian communities of France, U.S., Australia and other countries.

“On March 4-8, Paris will host a charity designer exhibition, to assist hearing-impaired children,” she noted.

“All those wishing to contribute to program implementation can donate money through Pay Pal payment system at The surgery for 1 out of 10 children will be financed by the company. The funding for the remaining 9 surgeries will be provided by sponsors,” she said, adding that each surgery will cost about euro 22 000.