March 9, 2011 - 13:41 AMT
Azerbaijan trapped by its own lies

When in Paris, Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan gave a speech during a March 8 conference, which was also attended by Baku embassy officials and students from Azerbaijan.

“Apparently, one of the students, Mohamed Muradov, got instructions from the Azerbaijani embassy but failed to lay down his questions correctly. Given the absurdity of the questions, which mostly referred to “occupation of Azerbaijani lands”, President Sahakyan preferred not to comment,” head of the chief information department at the NKR President’s office David Babayan said in a conversation with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijani media continue misinforming the public, spreading lies about Nagorno Karabakh.

Azeri-Press Agency reported that when answering Muradov’s questions about Armenia’s second President Robert Kocharian and possibility of his own nomination to the post of President of Armenia, “Mr. Sahakyan felt confused.