March 16, 2011 - 17:35 AMT
Sarkozy to call special G20 meeting to discuss energy issues

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on March 16 he will call a special meeting of Group of 20 ministers to discuss options in the energy sector in the wake of the nuclear crisis in Japan.

"Under the G20 framework, France will take the initiative to gather together energy and economy ministers in the coming weeks in order to discuss broad energy options for the world of tomorrow," Sarkozy, whose country is G20 president this year, said during a cabinet meeting, Reuters reported.

The nuclear crisis has triggered international alarm and partly overshadowed the human tragedy caused by the last week’s 9.0-magnitude earthquake and the subsequent tsunami, a blast of black seawater that pulverized Japan's northeastern coastline. The quake was one of the strongest recorded in history.