March 17, 2011 - 18:40 AMT
Armenian opposition leader says Egyptian, Tunisian scenarios will repeat in Armenia

The leader of the Armenian opposition, RA first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan said that an unprecedented explosive situation is established in Armenia, which demands immediate resolution.

The current authorities are unable to tackle the problems faced by the country and are not going to reject their policy, Ter-Petrosyan told a rally in Yerevan. "It is high time for radical changes in Armenia," he said, adding that the authorities should think of lessening tension in the country, rather than the opposition, while the ouster of ruling regimes in a range of countries should serve as a lesson for the authorities.

Ter-Petrosyan believes that the Egyptian and Tunisian scenarios will repeat also in Armenia. He noted that the wave of protest will continue growing among the Armenian population.

"We are not maximalists and, hopefully, our demands will be met. Hopefully, we will not be have to speak the language of ultimatums with the authorities during the April 8 rally, though it is not excluded," concluded Ter-Petrosyan.