March 24, 2011 - 14:40 AMT
Azerbaijan unlikely to unleash war in Karabakh, being non-confident of victory

ARF Bureau’s Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office Director Kiro Manoyan said Azerbaijan will hardly agree to recognize Karabakh’s independence.

“It is hardly possible. Azerbaijan might agree to Karabakh’s independence only if it signs an agreement with Armenia, which is unfavorable for the Armenian side,” Manoyan told a press conference in Yerevan.

“Thus, it is necessary to take action for international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh,” he said.

Referring to conflict settlement talks, Manoyan said that despite the lack of progress, negotiations help maintain the ceasefire. “Besides, the three basic principles for the conflict resolution were developed right as a result of peace talks,” he said.

“We do not agree with the six steps that are envisaged by the Madrid Principles, since in our opinion they do not reflect the situation established in the region after 1990s,” said Manoyan.

As for possibility of resumption of hostilities, he thinks Azerbaijan will hardly launch a war, being non-confident of victory.