March 28, 2011 - 11:01 AMT
Clinton rules out U.S. involvement in Syria

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ruled out the U.S. getting involved in Syria in the same way as it has in Libya for now, saying in a TV interview that each Arab uprising was unique.

Speaking in an interview that was taped on Saturday, March 26, Mrs Clinton said the U.S. deplores the violence in Syria, but the circumstances were different in Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi had used his air force as well as heavy amour against civilians.

Asked if one should expect U.S. involvement in Syria along the lines of the no-fly zone that the U.S. and other nations imposed over Libya, Ms Clinton told CBS News "no".

"Each of these situations is unique," she said . "Certainly, we deplore the violence in Syria, we call as we have on all of these governments … to be responding to their people’s needs, not to engage in violence, permit peaceful protests and begin a process of economic and political reform."

Mrs Clinton suggested the circumstances in the two nations differed in that there was not the same level of violence in Syria and the government’s crackdown on protests there had not yet engendered global condemnation or calls from the Arab League and others for a no-fly zone as there was with Libya, Reuters reported.