March 31, 2011 - 20:16 AMT
Expert: location of Armenian NPP is rather good from seismic perspective

Geophysicist, Geological Sciences Doctor, the head of Garni geophysical observatory at Armenia’s National Academy of Sciences, Leonid Hakhverdyan said that the location of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is rather good from seismic perspective.

Hakhverdyan said that the Armenian NPP was constructed to withstand a 9-magnitude earthquake.

“If a 9-magnitude earthquake strikes the zone of the NPP location, what is unlikely, the reactor will not be crippled,” he said.

Hakhverdyan added that the new energy unit of the NPP will be located at the same place as the operating one, what is again a good choice from the seismic safety perspective.

The new nuclear power plant will be constructed by new technologies, what will ensure high level of safety, concluded Hakhverdyan.