April 1, 2011 - 19:34 AMT
Construction at church –adjacent territory in Yerevan suspended because of archaeological finds

Construction of St. Anna spiritual complex was suspended because of recent archaeological discoveries made on the construction site, the spokeswoman at Ararat’s Patriarchal Eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church Elza Manukyan told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

As Ms. Manukyan stated, the decision was passed by Ararat’s Patriarchal Eparchy. The issue of continuing the construction with the necessity of initiating further archaeological excavations on agenda is currently under consideration.

Construction of St. Anna spiritual complex has launched on the territory adjacent to St. Mary church in the centre of Yerevan.

On April 1, a fragment of the 17th century khachkar, attached to the wall inside the church, was found, as well as a part of a wall of a basilica blown up during 1936’s Stalin-era repressions.

The expert did not rule out the possibility of the discovery of more artifacts dating back to 17th century left in the ruins after the devastating earthquake of 1679.

However as was reported earlier, construction works will continue, as no artifact of real value was found.