April 6, 2011 - 15:38 AMT
Jivan Gasparyan: artists mustn’t give away their presents

World-known duduk player Jivan Gasparyan believes the stir raised over the presents of apartments and cards granted to Armenian stars at Tashir 2011 music awards ceremony to be absurd.

“Why would I let anyone else have my gift? That would be the same as giving away the flowers I received. Wouldn’t it be offensive for those who presented me with them?” Gasparyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

“However, some of those people did not deserve the presents. Naturally, a boy who has had no experience and hardships on his way to popularity does not deserve such a present,” the musician added.

When asked to give his opinion on the fact that some of the stars who received costly presents already have several apartments while many families in Armenia have no homes, he stated, “There are many organizations in Armenia aiming to help homeless families. Yet in many cases, the aid is appropriated by the organizations’ heads. This is the problem that needs to be addressed.”

Meanwhile, Armenian Facebook users have decided to launch a group to raise funds for the homeless. Participants can transfer AMD 500-1000 per month. A bank account will also be opened soon.

The initiative was joined by Diaspora representatives from different countries.

Earlier, a group named Call on Tashir 2011 Stars was launched on Facebook. The group members urge Armenian pop stars, who were presented with the apartments in Moscow and Yerevan during the ceremony, to give them away to homeless families. The number of group supporters is growing day by day.