April 8, 2011 - 15:19 AMT
U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan reacts to ANCA urge concerning Bryza

A spokesman for the U.S. embassy in Azerbaijan, Keith Bean , said that any person has the right to send letters to senators in the United States.

Commenting on the campaign launched by the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) against Matthew Bryza’s final confirmation as U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Bean said that Bryza’s confirmation depends only on the U.S. Senate, Day.Az reported.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has launched a campaign against Matthew Bryza’s final confirmation as U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan.

“On January 27th, despite strong objections by Senators of his own party and grave concerns expressed by the Armenian American community, President Obama renominated Matt Bryza to serve a full term as U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan,” ANCA said.

ANCA called on the Armenian-American community to urge Senators to cut short Bryza's time in Baku by blocking Senate approval of his confirmation to a full term.

ANCA went on saying: “The public record has demonstrated his prolonged indifference to the Azerbaijani destruction of the Armenian cemetery in Djulfa, unusually close and controversial ties to Azerbaijani government officials, a deeply troubling track record as a senior diplomat dealing with the Caucasus, and persistent conflict of interest issues related to the Caspian energy industry.

President Obama side-stepped Senate authority once by issuing a recess appointment for Matt Bryza as U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan. Tell the Senate to reject the President's strong-arm tactics and send an Ambassador to Azerbaijan that reflects the views and values of the American people.”