April 10, 2011 - 16:50 AMT
April 10 marks 19th anniversary of civilians' massacre in Maraga settlement

45 people were massacred in Maraga (Leninavan) settlement, Mardakert region, on April 10, 1992. 49 people were taken hostages, including 9 children and 18 women. The destiny of 19 people is still unknown. The slaughter continued on April 22-23, when the survived residents of Maraga returned to bury those dead. The data is confirmed by Helsinki Watch international human rights organization.

The Maraga tragedy is viewed as one of the most horrible examples of genocide and is considered among Azerbaijan's bloody crimes in Getashen, Martunashen, Buzluh, Erkej and other settlements in the north of Nagorno Karabakh Republic at the time of aggression in 1991-1992.

Unfortunately, the Maraga tragedy was not appropriately covered by foreign media, while the world community has not given a relevant assessment to it.

The tragedy in Maraga indicates that residents of Maraga or other Artsakh territories occupied by Azerbaijan cannot once again be under Azerbaijan's yoke.