April 14, 2011 - 19:32 AMT
Shevardnadze advises Georgian President to gain personal meeting with Medvedev

Georgia’s ex-president Eduard Shevardnadze advised President Mikheil Saakashvili to gain a personal meeting with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev.

“It is the only way for Georgia to solve problems, since Russia is too influential for someone to be able to exert pressure on it in favor of Georgia,” Shevardnadze said.

According to him, Russia can become guarantor of restoration of Georgia’s territorial integrity. “Of course, currently Medvedev does not want to meet with Saakashvili, but actions should be taken in this direction,” noted Shevardnadze.

He added that even the Hague court refrained from consideration of Georgia’s claim against Russia, “despite the complete legal certainty of the matter on occupation.”

“It once again proves Moscow’s influence in the world and Georgia will be have to put up with it,” Gruzia-Online quoted Shevardnadze as saying.