April 29, 2011 - 11:34 AMT
Diaspora Ministry suggests creation of Armenian Trade Network

On the initiative of the Armenian Diaspora Ministry, Yerevan hosts a constituent assembly of Armenian Trade Network organized through the assistance of Canada-Armenia Business Council and the Armenian Chamber of Commerce.

The event brought together 30 specialists from 9 countries as well as Armenian Primes Minister Tigran Sargsyan, Economy Minister Tigran Davtyan and other officials.

“In the course of the past 20 years, Diaspora representatives made a great contribution to Armenia’s development,” Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobyan said in her opening remarks. “Now, the time has come to unite approaches and form institutions that will help strengthen Armenia-Diaspora relations. Our goal is a strong, developed and powerful Armenia that can be built through the efforts of entire Armenianhood.”