April 29, 2011 - 16:25 AMT
Baghdasaryan satisfied with negotiations on EU-Armenia Association Agreement

Secretary of the Armenian National Security Council (NSC) Arthur Baghdasaryan met with the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy, Stefan Fule.

Head of the European Commission Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Raul de Luzenberger also participated in the meeting, the RA NSC press service reported.

The parties discussed EU-Armenia cooperation and outlooks for its further development. Baghdasaryan referred to programs implemented as part of EU-Armenia cooperation and attached importance to Eastern Partnership.

He expressed satisfaction with the pace of negotiations on EU-Armenia Association Agreement, as well as stressed the importance of establishing EU information centers in Armenia.

For his part, Fule praised the activity of the interdepartmental commission on coordination of cooperation between state bodies of Armenia and European structures. He expressed willingness to facilitate the process of reforms.