April 30, 2011 - 13:43 AMT
Volume of cheese production remains unchanged in 2011 in Armenia

The volume of cheese production totaled 3,070t in Armenia in January-March 2011, remaining unchanged compared to the same period in 2010.

According to the National Statistical Service, 1.3% growth was recorded in milk production during the reported period, bringing it to 39.4mln liters. Curds production decreased by 1.3%, totaling 170.9t.

Production of yoghurt, mayonnaise, matsoun and kefir increased by 2.4 times, 60%, 0.8% and 0.6% respectively (129.4, 14.4, 726.6 and 52.1 tons) in January-March 2011, while sour cream production dropped by 23.3% (631.3t).