May 4, 2011 - 09:41 AMT
U.S. Armenian community leaders to attend conference on Armenian Cause

Armenian American community leaders and activists are invited to Washington, DC from June 24 to 27 for a national conference on new challenges and innovative opportunities for advancing the Armenian Cause.

The conference, hosted by the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) and the ANCA Endowment Fund, is titled: "Armenian Cause 2.0: Social Networks, Grassroots Power and Smart Advocacy."

It will feature an array of insider presentations, interactive and hands-on training sessions, networking opportunities, engaging social events, and visits to Capitol Hill.

"With our Armenian Cause 2.0 conference, we're raising both our sights and our voices," said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. "As a grassroots group, our best investment is in our people. That's why we are so eager for everyone - from veteran advocates to those just getting involved - to join with us as we explore how to use new advocacy tools and strategies to better mobilize our community and more effectively advance our Cause."

Training sessions, presentations, and workshops will cover community mobilization strategies, congressional advocacy campaigns, communications and media outreach, and advancing Armenian rights through the courts. The weekend's educational schedule will be complemented by social and networking programming.