May 5, 2011 - 11:27 AMT
Bernard-Henri Levy: French senators support Turkish policy of Genocide denial

French writer Bernard-Henri Levy said the French senators support Tukey’s policy of the Armenian Genocide denial.

“I am indignant with the statement of Jean-Jacques Hyest (UMP), the Chairman of the French Senate’s Judiciary and Constitutional Committee, as well as that of socialist Charles Gautier. The real reason behind this is Turkey, the arguments of which are brought for information, and I did not think they will dare to voice them publicly.”

“There is some cynicism in France’s support of the state policy of denial,” AFP quoted Levy as saying.

Josselin de Rohan (UMP), Chairman of the International Affairs Committee, stated that if "France wants to play a useful role in forcing Turkey to recognize its past, it should not contribute to stirring up disputes."

The French Senate on May 4 did not consider the resolution that if passed would criminalize the denial of the Armenian Genocide in France. With a vote 196 to 74, the senate blocked a formal debate on the issue.